
Countdown to Iowa

The Iowa caucus is merely 8 days away! Here are some predictions for the initial two states and Feb 5th:

IOWA: (D) Edwards -- he is swooping up the tiny rural districts which give equal voting power to 2500 residents as the larger urban centers... Why Iowa voters have *so* much power is beyond reason!
(R) Huckabee -- his christian charisma seems to sway the evangelicals despite his questionable ideas for a federal sales tax to replace income tax.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: (D) Obama -- Obama's call for change will resonate somewhere. New Hamsphire voters seem to like candidates that change the status quo.
(R) McCain -- he won it in 2004, and currently trails Romney here, but may be able to steal it away with last minute momentum.

Super Duper Tuesday: (D) Clinton -- first female president with "two for one" ballot has a draw for many.
(R) Romney -- seems to get more interest from Conservatives looking for a reasonable candidate. He's flip-flopped quite a bit, but Gulianni seems to not have much going for him other than 911 scare tactics.

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