
Obama TaxCut Calcuator

It is a lesser known fact that Obama's tax plan will provide bigger tax cuts for more people than McCain's plan. Obama is especially good for families that make $111,000 or less. McCain's plan is targeted to benefit families that make over $600,000 the most.

Here is a tool to calculate your own taxcut and compare:

Here are some documents that detail the differences:


No political blog is complete without a link to the JibJab movie for the 2008 campaign:

Time for Some Campaignin'

And here is the 2004 movie for posterity:

This Land!





2008 Electoral College Scenarios -- Obama Sweep

<p><strong>><a href='http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/interactives/campaign08/electoral-college/'>Electoral College Prediction Map</a></strong> - Predict the winner of the general election. Use the map to experiment with winning combinations of states. Save your prediction and send it to friends.</p>

The Obama sweep scenario is looking more likely now that Economic fears grow, and linking of McCain to Bush policies is starting to sink in. The key states in the sweep are:
  • VIRGINIA feeding into N. CAROLINA
  • FLORIDA + OHIO swinging despite the 2000 and 2004 fiasco
  • the unswingables INDIANA + W.VIRGINIA following the OH/VA influence
  • Southwest sweep: all of Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado
  • No attrition in the border-line lake states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania
  • and MISSOURI maintaining its role as single-state predictor

My Fellow Prisoners

In the midst of world markets reeling to all time lows and implications of a widening global recession, McCain rallies supporters as his "Fellow Prisoners":

2nd Presidential Debate 2008


Biden vs. Palin - Vice Presidential Debate

Bailout Comparison Stats

Market Capitalization of all publicly traded banks and financial services companies: $900 billion
TARP bailout: $700 billion
Value of all delinquent loans in US: $500 billion

How is the $700 billion going to be invested?  Why not just buy all the delinquent loans, or better yet, socialize all the banks?  At least that model involves an understandable purchase of *equity*.  The main problem with the current plan is that how the money will be "invested" is not clear.

Senate passes financial TARP

TARP (Troubled Assests Relief Program, or Tax Payers aRe P___) version 2.0 passed the Senate 74-25 (the abstain was Senator Kennedy who is on medical leave).  The original bill was amended to add $110 billion in extra tax breaks and some budget spending to sweeten the deal for House dissenters.  It will go to the House Friday for a second go.  If the Economy is truly a heart patient with hardened arteries in need of a triple bypass as Fed Chairman Bernanke suggested, then the House vote will be a true test of the Federal system of Health Care for our economy.

Some new items added:
  • Extensive tax credits for renewable energy
  • Removal of some AMT rules (incentive stock option triggers?)
  • Mandates on Health Care Insurers to cover the Mentally Disabled
  • ...